Inquiry-Based Coaching™

IBC™ is a set of 12 open-ended questions designed to transform our mindset and performance radically and persistently in order to clean up what is getting in the way of your Zerospace: the most wholesome, powerful, and joyful expression of who you are.

All you need is an open mind

Foundations of IBC™

Self-Alignment - We are the source of our own guidance and healing. No other human can have the same access of our inner universe than ourselves. Insight, purpose, and action, are derived from within.

Dialectic Inquiry - The millenary Socratic tradition that focusses on using open ended questions as life’s most powerful source of wonder, adventure, creativity, growth, and understanding.

Flow Persistence - We can develop the ability to persistently access a profound inner state of enjoyment and fluidity that comes from the melting of aligned action with consciousness.

Effortlessness - True self transformation is not about pushing, forcing, fixing, or will, but rather it is about holding, witnessing, understanding, realizing, and healing.

Multiplicity of Mind - Actualizing that the nature of mind is multiple and complex, and at the same time accessible healable through particular praxis and models of understanding.

Dzogchen - The millenary Himalayan tradition holding the sacred method and experience (Rigpa) that allows us to recognize, access, relax into, and expand the truest expression of who we are.

Through IBC™ we

  • Identify what is getting in the way of our most extraordinary experience of life.

  • Explore how we innocently (yes innocently) validate and justify the perceptional obstacles that sustain our limiting experience.

  • Discover the impact that this validation and justification has in our experience of life.

  • Realize how this validation makes us miss extraordinary opportunities and resources that are actually available to us behind our limiting perception.

  • Experience our life without unnecessary limitations dissolving those patterns entirely and embarking in clear and sustained transformative action.

  • This resulting space of inner freedom, clear action, accomplished potential, and wholly aligned existence we call Zerospace.


If there were a simple everyday practice that could radically transform your experience of life into an open, clear, connected, expansive, active, and driven adventure (yet naturally compassionate and intrinsically loving), would you want to learn more about it?


The core of who we are is a boundless space of clarity, understanding, and self-alignment. The key to living from this space is to recognize the multiplicity of our own mind and support the healing of all parts of us.


The core of who we are is a boundless space of clarity, understanding, compassion, self-alignment, joy, and love. The key to living from this space is to recognize the multiplicity of our own mind and support the healing of all parts of us. Are you ready for the adventure?


Brainspotting allows us to harness the brain's natural ability for self-healing, so we can activate, locate, and process the sources of blockage and distress within. This an invaluable tool that can support virtually any form of therapeutic practice—and greatly accelerate our ability to thrive.


The IBC™ App - Developed for practitioners that are familiar with the IBC™ process. Download here: APPLE | ANDROID